Ebon Binding

Rank 5 Planetary Gift (Hakahe)

This Gift allows the Garou to take her knowledge of someone’s fault, practice or secret vice and bind a fitting punishment to that person. Most often, a target suffers crippling pains when he thinks of indulging in the forbidden action. The Garou may use this Gift to prevent rapists, child molesters, murderers or traitors from repeat offenses (assuming the Garou allows these individuals to live in the first place.

System: The player must sacrifice a point of permanent Gnosis and roll her Willpower (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). Only one success is necessary to make the binding permanent. A failed roll means that the binding is unsuccessful while a botch causes the character to undergo the mental or physical pain she intended to bind to her target — a one-time-only occurrence.

Source: Rage Across the Heavens

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