Mantle of the Land

Rank 2 Planetary Gift (Tambiyah)

The Garou draws forth a mist or fog from water in the atmosphere. This misty mantle provides cover in which a Garou may hide herself or someone under her protection. The Gift may be used while the Garou is in motion in order to confuse pursuers by enveloping them in an obscuring fog. The mantle can also surround a Garou and her pack in order to allow them to attack from concealment or ambush.

System: The player spends a point of Gnosis. The fog is dense and heavy, obscuring the vision of anyone within, even muffling sound. Anyone save the Garou and her pack are at +3 difficulty on all Perception rolls while the mist ensures. This Gift lasts one scene or one combat.

Source: Rage Across the Heavens

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