
Rank 2 Planetary Gift (Rorg)

By using this Gift, the Garou can follow her quarry without risking losing the trail. The scent of the target becomes so powerful to the Garou that she can follow it even under conditions that might otherwise obscure the trail. Even if the victim crosses water, lays down a false trail or attempts to mask his scent with some other odor, the Garou unerringly follows her prey. However, the Gift’s effects become fainter with time and distance.

System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Primal Urge. Each success allows the character to track her target unerringly for one scene up to a maximum of five scenes, after which the effects of the Gift end, and the trail becomes too faint to follow. No successes means that the Gift fails to take effect, while a botch sends the character in a false direction.

Source: Rage Across the Heavens

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