Ice Echo

Rank 1 Wendigo Gift

The Wendigo conjures a perfect reflection of himself. The image is identical to the Garou, except that it is reversed, as though seen in a mirror (so any writing on the Garou’s clothing would be backwards, scars would be on the wrong side, etc.) The Wendigo can control the image easily, giving it voice and guiding its motion. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends a point of Gnosis to create the Ice Echo at any point within 100 feet (30 m). The Echo moves and sounds exactly like the Garou in addition to taking on her precise appearance, but gives off no scent or heat, and is intangible. Discerning which is the echo and which is the original requires a Perception + Enigmas roll (difficulty of the Garou’s Gnosis).

Source: Wendigo Tribebook (revised)

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