Infectious Laughter

Rank 1 Ragabash Gift

Laughter is the tool with which Gaia’s tricksters promote enlightenment and the knife that slashes through the veil of Rage. When the Ragabash laughs, those around her are compelled to follow along, forgetting their grievances. A coyote- or hyena-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The Ragabash must make some comment mocking the present situation in which she finds herself, then laugh at it. The player then rolls Manipulation + Expression (difficulty of the highest Rage rating of anyone listening). Success causes those who hear the Ragabash’s comment and laughter lose hold of their ire, and forget what it was that had them upset in the first place — although their temper will return if they are reminded of what the New Moon has made them forget.

Source: 20th Anniversary Edition

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