Safe Cave

Rank 2 Croatan Gift

The Garou can cause the earth to split before him, creating a hole into a small cave that can hold up to five more Crinos-sized people. The hole can be sealed once within the cave, so that no one outside can discern its presence without supernatural means. Any burrowing or earth-spirit can teach this Gift.

System: The player must spend a Gnosis point and make a Charisma + Survival roll, difficulty 7, to open the cave. The decision of whether or not to seal the cave must be made within three turns; the Garou can’t just open and close the cave once it’s been created. The cave lasts for a variable amount of time; once the duration expires, anyone in the cave pops out as the cave disappears.

Successes                              Duration

One                                         One minute
Two                                        Ten minutes
Three                                      One hour
Four                                        Six hours
Five+                                      Twelve hours

The cave dwellers are safe from physical attack, but some Gifts (such as Hand of the Earth Lords) can still affect them, as can any concentrated burrowing effort that can dig down into the cave and break its seal.

Source: Past Lives

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