Go for the Jugular

Rank 2 Lupus Gift

Wolves have an uncanny ability to spot vulnerability. The lupus follows suit, sinking her teeth into the softest and most unprotected part of her foe that she can find. A wolf- or coyote-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Rage point when the werewolf makes a successful bite attack. Increase the difficulty to soak the damage by +3.

Source: Changing Ways W20

2 thoughts on “Go for the Jugular”

  1. Lachdanan


    In my W20 – Changing Ways version the damage becomes unsoakable.

    1. Hmm, I just double-checked and mine definitely says to increase the difficulty by +3 (which is already crazy tough for a rank 2 Gift).

      I suppose with print on demand it’s easy for them to make tweaks at any time; but it’s a little frustrating that they don’t make some kind of version number on the book to make it possible for players to see which is the most recent.

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