Disguise Fetish

Rank 1 Ragabash Gift

Werewolves covet one another’s treasures as much as anyone else. The clever Ragabash can hide the true nature of his fetishes to deflect curious eyes. A raven-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 6) to create the illusion that one fetish or talen carried or touched by the character is just a mundane object. Klaives look like ordinary steel daggers, Jarlhammers seem much smaller than they are, and any glyphs or precious stones that ornament the fetish appear as cheap decorations. Gifts and other supernatural powers that could sense the nature of the fetish must overcome the number of successes rolled by the Ragabash’s player to accurately identify the object as something extraordinary. The illusion ends if the fetish is used in its intended fashion. Otherwise, the effect lasts for the scene.

Source: Changing Ways W20

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