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Rank 3 Ahroun Gift

When an Ahroun claims an area for his pack, he makes a challenge to all comers, daring them to invade at their peril. In this place, no packmate fears outside dangers, while those dangers have every reason to fear the united Garou. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The character howls his claim on an area around him with a radius of (10 x his Rage rating) yards, and the player rolls Charisma + Intimidation with a difficulty of (8 – number of packmates present, not counting himself). If he succeeds, rolls made to intimidate or cow the Ahroun’s packmates suffer a dice penalty equal to his Rage. Rolls his packmates make to intimidate or cow others gain the same as a dice bonus. This effect lasts for a number of hours equal to successes on the activation roll. The Ahroun himself only benefits from this Gift if he has at least one other packmate with him.

Source: Changing Ways W20

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